Inner Powers
“In 1831 the Englishman set forth on his famous vayage in the Beagle. After 28 years he published Origin of Species, which revolutionized man’s view of nature and his place in it” (Loren C. Elseley, February 1956)
Charles Darwin mengeluarkan dua buah buku yang memberikan andil yang cukup penting bagi perkembangan teori evolusi, yakni :
1. On the origin of species by means of natural selections - 1859
2. The descent of man - 1857
Dua inti pokok dari teori darwin :
1. Spesies yang hidup di masa sekarang berasal dari makhluk hidup yang berasal dari masa lampau.
2. Evolusi terjadi karena adanya proses seleksi alam (natural selections)
Pengertian dan arti definisi seleksi alam adalah seleksi yang terjadi pada individu-individu yang hidup di alam, sehingga individu yang mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan tersebut akan terus hidup dan beranak pinak, sedangkan yang tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan alam lingkungan sekitarnya akan musnah dan hilang dimakan waktu.
Kalau sependapat dengan Darwin, manusia sekarang ini, kita saat ini, merupakan sebuah lolosan seleksi & penempaan alam yang maha keras. Berarti, saya dan anda adalah spesies unggul yang telah mengantongi "sertifikat kelulusan". Tidak hanya secara fisik tapi juga otak yang telah melampui spesies lainnya.
Terbedakan sudah bahwa manusia adalah "berakal-budi" berbeda dengan hewan yang "bernaluri/instinc"
Inilah bukti kesekian ratus kalinya bahwa manusia adalah ras dahsyat dengan otak (mind evolution)yang telah mengatasi perjuangan-perjuangan terberat selama evolusinya....
Two cores of the subject from Darwin's theory:
1. The species that lives in the period now came from living creatures that came from the past.
2. The evolution happened because of the existence of the process of natural selection (natural selections)
The understanding and the meaning of the definition of natural selection were the selection that happened to individuals who lived in the wild, so as the individual who could adjust to this environment will continue to live and have descendants, whereas that could not adjust naturally the surrounding environment was destroyed and was lost with time
If being of the same opinion as Darwin, this current humankind, we at this time, were one succsess in past the selection & the forging of nature . This means that, I and you were the superior species that pocketed the "passing certificate". Not only physically but also the brain that has passing over the other species. Distinguished already that humankind was "Mind" that different from the animal that only single tools to life "instinct"
This umpteenth proof hundred his time that humankind was the horrifying race with the brain (mind evolution) that overcame the most difficult struggles for his evolution....