Seminar Internasional IX, Dinamika Politik Lokal di Indonesia

Seminar Internasional IX yang diselenggarakan oleh Percik-Salatiga. Seminar ini sudah berlangsung selama sembilan tahun. Peserta dan pemakalah call by paper. Nara Sumber Yudie Latief, PHD (Paramadina) dan Prof Gerry Van Klinken (KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies). Iseng-iseng kirim makalah wealah ternyata masuk. Jadilah Seminar yang bertema DINAMIKA POLITIK LOKAL: "Politik identitas: Agama, Etnisitas, dan ruang/ space dalam dinamika politik Lokal di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara" bisa saya ikuti dan bisa berkesempatan bertemu orang-orang cerdas.....di bidangnya..

The Internasional IX seminar that was held by Percik-Salatiga. This seminar has taken place for nine years. Participants and speaker called by paper. Keynote speaker: Yudie Latief, PhD (Paramadina) and Prof Gerry Van Klinken (KITLV - Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies). Fads sent paper woow.. evidently entered. Theme of this international Seminar: The dynamics of local POLITICS: "identity Politics: the Religion, Etnicity, and space in the dynamics" of "Local politics in Indonesia and South-East Asia" could I followed and having opportunity to meet tough people..... in his field..


Juan Antonio mengatakan…
It would be very interesting to attend to this Seminar that was held in Yakarta.

I tell you the same. "If you come to Chile, please, contact me".

Thanks a lot for your visit.

Juan Antonio

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